Five Power Tools That Every House Should Own

January 4, 2023

Some tools are inevitable for use in the home. They aid solutions to technical issues that may develop in the house. They include:

Circular Saw

A circular saw is a power-saw that uses a blade, abrasive or toothed disc to cut through various materials. It uses a spinning rotary motion around an abhor. Sometimes, circular saws can be used solely for their blades. These saws came into existence in the 1700s, and in the United States, they were frequently used in sawmills. This tool is used for cutting through materials like plastic, metal, masonry, and wood. Circular saws are usually mounted to a machine or are handheld. The blades of circular saws are specially made for the needs of the specific material they are planned to lacerate. Typically, these saws are frequently controlled with electricity. Sometimes, hydraulic motors or a gasoline engine may also power the circular saw. These saws are also called skil saws. In the household, they can cut through plywood, skylight holes, and fence posts, amongst other things.


This type of saw is made up of a reciprocating blade to slice through wood and irregular curves, including stenciled designs in metal and timber, amongst other materials. Although jigsaws were introduced in the 1800s, the contemporary portable jigsaw was created by Scintilla AG in 1947. The power tool comprises a reciprocating saw blade and an electric motor. They are electrically powered. Jigsaws are very important in creating plunge cuts essential during house remodeling and renovations. Dust blowers in jigsaws make them more convenient to use.


A table saw is also known as a bench saw or a saw bench. It is made up of a circular saw blade driven directly by an electric motor or through gears or belts. It is usually put on top of an abhor. Notably, in a table saw, the blade usually sticks out from the top of a table, which acts as a support for whatever is being cut (in most cases, wood). A table saw is classified as a power tool. The different types of table saws include sliding table saws, hybrid, compact, amongst others. Table saws can cut more extended pieces of wood, usually along the grain lengthways. Safety guards make table saws more convenient to use at homes.

Angle grinder

This is sometimes known as a side grinder or disc grinder. This handheld power tool is used for abrasive cutting, polishing, and grinding. They are usually powered by compressed air or an electric motor. These pretty affordable tools turn small disks at high RPM to chop and then grind numerous kinds of materials. They can be used to hog tiles, cut off rusty heads of nails, trim metal pipes and serve as a tool for sharpening.

Impact driver

This tool delivers a sudden, powerful rotational force and forward shove when hit on the back with a hammer. This is done without spoiling the tool or fasteners motor. The impact driver is preferred because drills often burn out faster than impact drivers.

In conclusion, there are a hundred and more tools that enable DIYs in the house. These tools are helpful, and it is advisable that you get a few of these tools.