DIY – How to Replace Your Car Oil

December 26, 2022

The prospect of completing maintenance, even one seemingly essential chore like an oil replacement, may be intimidating, if not overwhelming. On the other hand, changing your oil can be less daunting and cost-effective than driving your car to a nearby shop or mechanic. This article aims to teach anyone how to perform oil replacement properly, safely, and economically. Fixing your automobile could even be enjoyable for you, as it is for us.

When you’re not sure what sort of lubricant to use and how and when to replace it, see your car’s manual’s specs or maintenance chapter.

Step 1: Jack your car and open it in an upright position

This will enable you to work effectively under it. Regardless, you are safe. However, do not use or work with floor jacks. Since most vehicles are manufactured using plastic undertray to enhance the aerodynamics and shield the fragile parts on the engine side, you have to remove the covers to access the oil filter and pan. You also need basic hand tools to unfasten the screws or clips attached to the undertray. Check out for leaks afterward.

Step 2: Unplug and drain the oil.

Place your oil receptacle—about a five-liter bucket, a lubricating oil pan, an oil tank, or another sizeable liquid-holding container—so the oil empties in without spilling or causing waste. Keep in mind that there’ll be much oil: Some automobiles contain a minimum of a gallon of fuel in their tank, while others have significantly more. Disconnect the drain cover by untightening it (do it counterclockwise) and disassembling using the appropriate tool. Grab the plug while drawing it from the oil reservoir; the oil should stream out immediately you pull it off. Wait for five minutes so the engine can drain or when the flow has decreased to a drip.

Step 3: Remove the car’s old filter

Look for the car’s oil filter. It looks like a softball due to its size but cylindrical – a part inserted into the engine. Remove the oil filter (do this by turning it counterclockwise) sufficiently, so the oil drips into the receptacle with your hands or a wrench (the latter is better). Wait for the discharge to stop before detaching the filter. Ensure you don’t forget the previous oil-filter gasket when installing a new one. It is critical because if the last gasket isn’t removed, no new filter can seal correctly, resulting in leakage of the latest and fresh oil pouring on the floor minutes after starting the engine, ultimately depriving it of oil and causing disaster. Before replacing the drain, it is excellent if you clean out the oil-covered surfaces.

Step 4: Tighten the plug and put the filter back on.

Step 5: Reinstall the undertray you removed and lower your car. Check the right amount of oil and fill through the car hood.

Step 6: Afterwards, check using a dipstick if the quantity of the oil is correct or if there is any leakage.

You can see there is no magic to oil replacement from the above. It is a trick that you should learn and save some money through that.